On this page, parents and carers can find suggestions of funding sources we are aware of that may be appropriate to you for financial support with your child's musical learning. Please visit the websites of each organisation for the most up to date information.

Don't forget, for those offered a place in NCO, there is the opportunity to apply for financial support. Full details are on our Fees and Financial Support page.

As well as the specific funding opportunities below, there may be opportunities for funding, local to you, via the Funding Wizard on the Help Musicians’ website.

Support with NCO Membership Fees

There are some suggestions below of other funding sources you might like to consider alongside your NCO Financial Support application.

Christine Brown Trust
The Christine Brown Trust for Young Musicians offers financial support to exceptionally talented young musicians under 19 years of age who are in financial hardship and unable to meet the expenses involved in learning a musical instrument. This may mean contributing towards the cost of lessons, helping to pay for a new instrument, perhaps paying for summer school or orchestra fees - in fact, anything connected with the costs of an instrumental education.

The Wrightson Trust
The Wrightson Trust aims to benefit those of secondary school age (Year 6) to 18 years. Reviews are conducted twice a year, with deadlines on 1st February and 1st September. Disbursements include e.g. payment for lessons, choir/orchestra tour fees, music college fees.

Sydney Dean Whitehead Charitable Trust
This trust provides grants towards school fees and other educational costs for children under the age of 18 who have special skills in music and dance. Next deadline Sun 1st May 2022.

Instrument Loan and Hire

We appreciate that instruments can be expensive to purchase and so there is some brief information below on hiring or loaning an instrument.

Benslow Music offer an instrument hire scheme, and also offer the hire of bows separately. The instruments they currently have available are violin, viola, cello, double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and harp.  You can find out more about Benslow Music here: Benslow Music Instrument Loan Scheme - Benslow Music Instrument Loan Scheme (benslowmusic-ils.org)

Universal Music UK Sound Foundation has helped over 10,000 students, schools and teachers improve their access to music through the purchase or upgrade of musical instruments and/or equipment.  They are able to offer support up to £1,500 towards the cost of a musical instrument via an application process. You can find out more information on their website.

You may also find that your local music service is able to loan an instrument to you, and there are several other instrument hire services available, found by searching for ‘music instrument hire’ in your search engine.

Support with other costs around your child’s musical learning

We are aware that there are various related costs associated with supporting a child’s musical learning. We’ve listed a few other opportunities for further financial support below.

CATS are Centre’s for Advanced Training and they provide supplementary funding for specialist music tuition and ensembles. They are sometimes based at music colleges depending on your area but not exclusively.

Future Talent provides support of children’s musical learning for families on a lower income.

Music Education Hubs – it is often worth having a conversation with your local Music Hub as they are experts in what organisations and opportunities are available in your local area. They may also in some circumstances be able to provide support.

The National Youth Trust can provide financial support towards instrumental lessons (with ABRSM teachers only), musical instrument hire, music ensemble membership and travel expenses.

Young Sounds UK (previously AYM) provides support of children’s musical learning for families on a lower income.