What is NCO's 1978 Association?
The 1978 Association was named to commemorate the year in which NCO was founded by the late Vivienne Price MBE. Anyone who indicates that they intend to leave NCO a gift in their will is automatically enrolled as a member of NCO’s 1978 Association.
The 1978 Association recognises alumni of the orchestras, their families and supporters everywhere, who wish to support the future of NCO by leaving a gift.
It is hoped that many who do so will be happy for their names to be listed on our website and in concert programmes, both to allow us to recognise your generosity and to encourage others to consider remembering NCO. However the decision to leave a gift is of course a private matter and anyone can choose to remain anonymous - just indicate this preference on the form.
Funds raised through The 1978 Association will go to underpin the long term financial security and development of the NCO and to ensure that future generations of musical children will continue to benefit from NCO’s remarkable work. You can choose if you wish how to direct your gift – for example, towards operational costs or towards NCO’s financial assistance fund.
We wish to record our heartfelt thanks to the following individuals who have indicated that they will remember NCO in their Will
Principal Supporters
- Vivienne Price MBE
- Mr and Mrs J Guthrie
The 1978 Association Members
- Mr R E Clarkson
- Mrs M Cordall
- Ms Carrie Sage
- Mr CD Winter