This is NCO's Horizons programme.

NCO Horizons connects children and young people with free, open access musical and orchestral opportunities, including:

  • First access KS1 & KS2 school concerts led by our team of professional musicians
  • Side-by-side performances with NCO orchestras
  • Student placements in tutoring and mentoring
  • Free first experience tickets to our public concerts

NCO and Bristol Beacon Music Education Hub

In April 2024, NCO collaborated with Bristol Beacon Music Hub. Our music tutors visited Bristol Beacon's Junior Wind Band and Junior String musicians for a rehearsal where they explored Benjamin Britten's Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra through adaptations made especially for the workshop. A couple of weeks' later those same young musicians came together with NCO's Main Orchestra for 2024 to perform Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra side-by-side as part of Main Orchestra's family concert.

"It's been such an amazing opportunity for my daughter to be part of this event, it's given her a greater appreciation of orchestral music and performance and really inspired her as a musician."

"Everyone was friendly and playing with a bigger orchestra helped me feel more confident."

NCO and Bolton Music Service

In June 2024 NCO worked with Bolton Music Service and Blackburn’s The Redeemer Primary School, to extend our Projects North orchestral weekend to include a school concert for children and young people in Blackburn and a side-by-side project with young musicians from Bolton.

At Blackburn’s the Redeemer Primary School, we presented an interactive concert for 400+ 4-11 year olds and their staff team. Assembled NCO music tutors and NCO student placements from Royal Northern College of Music formed our orchestra for the day and with NCO Artistic and Educational Director, Catherine Arlidge, led the children as they took on grown ups in a musical quiz, explored triads with an oversized piano and made a cake of musical ingredients!

Our team of music tutors then enjoyed joining Bolton Music Service's Junior Orchestra rehearsal, expanding their learning of a 'Mary Poppins' medley ahead of joining our Projects North Orchestra at their orchestral weekend at Bolton School for a special side-by-side performance.

"Thank you to you and the NCO staff for the Bolton weekend, which was brilliant. Our students really have been inspired. They all enjoyed the experience. We’re looking forward to taking this partnership forward”

“A special thank you for providing our pupils with an unforgettable experience. We have had so many positive comments since from staff, pupils and parents.”

Student placements

Our Horizons placements enable students to gain experience in mentoring NCO members in orchestral music making. We make an open call out for students each year, as well as working with our partners at Royal Northern College of Music and spreading the word through our contacts, including at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Royal Welsh College of Music, Royal College of Music, Trinity College of Music, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and more.

This programme aims to enhance student’s understanding of how to work with and lead large youth ensembles; to support the development of best-practice music education in emerging music leaders; to provide peer learning; to diversify the Music Industry workforce; to provide insight into NCO’s learning framework and creative thinking; and to offer professional development to our tutors in mentoring students.

Our Insights Placement students play in our Projects orchestras to provide support and role-modelling to young musicians; lead part of sectional rehearsals and assist the conductor and music tutors with child engagement, managing dynamics and supporting musical progression.

Our Tutor Experience Placement students support NCO tutors to plan and pace sectional rehearsals on our National residentials; shadow tutors to learn coaching styles, manage group dynamics, child engagement, wellbeing and behaviour and take part in Surround Sound, NCO’s creative composition programme.

”It was an honour to be part of the Student Placements for 2024 and to contribute to NCO's important work. I am grateful for the opportunity to gain practical experience and contacts that will support me in my musical journey.”

First Experience

We connect with partners in music education hubs and services, community organisations and venues to offer free first experience tickets to our public concerts for young musicians and their families to experience NCO for the first time.

If you are an organisation looking to find out more about partnering with National Children’s Orchestras through NCO Horizons please email Tamsin Oldham, Head of Engagement