An incredible opportunity to be a part of Great Britain’s leading symphony orchestras for children - NCO auditions are now open!
This is your chance to join a talented team and become a member of Great Britain’s leading symphony orchestra for children, giving you access to once in a lifetime opportunities.
We have begun our search for children aged 7–13 (age on 31 December 2015) to audition this autumn for a place in one of the 2016 NCO orchestras.
This year’s auditions are spread between 27 September and 30 October. We have 35 venues and 61 days of auditions all around the country. We're auditioning all around the country, so just decide which venues will work best for you when booking an audition and we will try our best to accommodate you.
Please read our auditions booklet about the application process before filling in an application form. It includes information about the NCO Orchestras, eligibility and bursaries as well as audition venues, dates and what to expect on your audition day. We also recommend that you read about the NCO audition process and our FAQs for parents andplayers.
Not only do our residential courses provide expert mentoring, they are also lots of fun! Here’s what a current member said after the 2015 Spring residential course:
The best thing about the NCO is all the fantastic musical experiences I have had - the music is inspiring and great fun, it provides an incentive for me to practice hard. Most of my best friends are from NCO because we all have so much in common and we have so much fun together. NCO is amazing!
NCO member
As an NCO member, you’ll have the chance to take part in exciting residential courses, where you’ll be guided by professional musicians who will help you to develop musically. Each course culminates with an orchestral concert – the older Orchestras perform at major venues such as the Royal Festival Hall, Colston Hall and Leeds Town Hall.
The ability to play not pay is the only criterion for membership and full financial support is available. Click here to find out about the bursary scheme.
NCO auditions will take place at venues all around the UK from 27 September – 30 October. You can apply right now! For a hard copy of the application form, or if you can help with publicity, call Claire Vautier on 01934 418 855 or email [email protected].